Copernicus Alliance Conference

October 3, 2014

Prague, Czech Republic

Conference documents

Important conference documents:

Keynote presentations - pdf of keynote presenations can be found on the Videos webpage

List of conference participants (pdf) - list of all participants including name and institution; this document was NOT be part of your welcome pack

Updated Conference programme (pdf) - overview of the day's programme; this document was part of your welcome pack

Parallel sessions programme (pdf) - detailed programme of the parallel sessions to be held at 13.30 - 15.30; this document was part of your welcome pack

Posters programme (pdf) - overview of poster contributions to be displayed during the conference; this document was part of your welcome pack

Conference brochure (pdf) - general information about the conference venue, context, keynote speakers, programme, etc.; this document was NOT be part of your welcome pack

Updated Book of abstracts (pdf) - abstracts of all contributions presented during the Parallel sesions at 13.30 - 15.30 and during Poster sessions; this document was NOT be part of your welcome pack

Other relevant documents:

The Rio+20 Treaty on Higher Education (pdf)

*This conference used as little paper and other resources as possible to keep the environmental impact low. Whenever possible we encourage participants to make use of electronic documents.


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