2016 UE4SD Conference

Heila Lotz-Sisitka

lotzProfessor Heila Lotz-Sisitka holds a Tier 1 South African National Research Foundation Chair in Global Change and Social Learning Systems. She serves as Director of the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University, South Africa. She has served on the UNESCO International Reference Group for the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development, and serves on the international steering committee of the Global Universities Partnership for Environment and Sustainability, a UNEP-led initiative. She is editor of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. She recently co-edited a Routledge book on ‘Critical Realism, Environmental Learning and Social-Ecological Change’. Her research interests include transformative learning, education and agency in contexts of risk and vulnerability, participation in education, and critical research methodologies.


Conference outcomes

Conference video

Conference photos





Organizers and sponsors



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