UE4SD Innovation Report – Year 1 (2013-2014)

InnRep2014This Innovation Report is the first annual review of significant developments in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education (HE), as part of the University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD) project. The UE4SD initiative addresses the need for effective professional development in ESD, for staff who teach and support student learning in HE institutions, in order to reorient the curriculum and extend the contribution of HE to sustainable futures through education and learning. 

Full text of the report in pdf format.

This first report spans important developments in the first year of the project from September 2013 to September 2014. It focuses on:

  • significant international initiatives at the close of the UNESCO Decade of ESD (2005-14);
  • the present policy landscape and potential for ESD in the European HE Area;
  • signs of rising demand for ESD in the curriculum among HE student populations;
  • examples of recent innovations in ESD of relevance to the UE4SD project.


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