Aalborg University (AAU) - Denmark

Aalborg University offers education and research within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical and health sciences. Aalborg University is currently taking steps to expand its reputation as an internationally recognised leading university in problem based learning and sustainability which is led by its UNESCO Chair.

Read more: Aalborg University (AAU) - Denmark

Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) – Finland

aa eng logobasic 4c webbÅbo Akademi University (ÅAU) is a public multidisciplinary university founded in 1918. The first Academy in Åbo was founded in 1640. At present the Swedish-language ÅAU has 4 faculties: Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies and Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Faculty of Science and Engineering. ÅAU offers both undergraduate and graduate studies and extensive research opportunities to some 7000 students on three campuses.

Read more: Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) – Finland

Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga (CSB) - Latvia


The Centre for Sustainable Business at Stockholm School of Economics (CSB) is an independent institute within SSE Riga, founded in 2012. Its aim is to foster a discussion in the business community as well as in society in general on sustainability. To raise the awareness of sustainability, CSB, in cooperation with its partners, provides research, teaching, training, and contributes actively to the public debate. The Sustainable Business Centre activities cover Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Read more: Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga (CSB) - Latvia

ECO-UNESCO (clubs) (ECO) - Ireland


ECO-UNESCO logoFounded in 1986, ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s environmental education and youth organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO, Clubs, Centres and Associations. ECO-UNESCO’s mission is to raise environmental awareness, understanding and knowledge of the environment in young people through practical environmental projects, education and training programmes and activities.

Read more: ECO-UNESCO (clubs) (ECO) - Ireland

Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University (IOE) - Estonia

400px-Tallinn University logoTallinn University (TLU) is the third largest public university in Estonia with 9500 students in 20 institutes and 5 colleges. Its main strengths lie in the fields of humanities and social sciences but it also has a strong and constantly growing component of natural and exact sciences, as well as a notable tradition of teacher training and educational research.

Read more: Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University (IOE) - Estonia

Institute of Sustainable Education at Daugavpils University (ISE) - Latvia


du-gerbonisThe Institute of Sustainable Education (ISE) at Daugavpils University was founded in 2003 as a scientific research structural unit of the Faculty of Education and Management. The main research fields of ISE are pedagogy, pedagogical and developmental psychology, management, as well as integrative research in the field of education and management.  ISE, in practice and in research, supports sustainability values and is working towards embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles into its teaching and research. The researchers of the institute are working towards implementing ESD competences in organizing teacher training programs, by putting the main focus on students and staff learning in the area of sustainability.

Read more: Institute of Sustainable Education at Daugavpils University (ISE) - Latvia

London South Bank University (LSBU) - UK

Lsbu-crestLondon South Bank University (LSBU) is one of London's largest and oldest universities. Since 1892 we have been providing students with vocationally-relevant, accredited and professionally recognised education. As a cosmopolitan university, with over 25,000 students, we draw students from over 130 countries. We received the highest possible rating for the quality of our education, from the independent Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), and are proud of all our achievements in delivering excellent student outcomes. We have an important, enduring and consistent mission to create student opportunity for future success. We have much to be proud of and aspire to be the best in our field. We intend to make this happen by implementing our vision: ”to be the most admired UK university for creating professional opportunity. We intend to be a source of pride to our students, our staff and the communities we serve”.

Read more: London South Bank University (LSBU) - UK

Malmö University (MAH) - Sweden


Malm University English LogoMalmö University, MAH, has five multi-diciplinary faculties of higher education and research, 25 000 students, 80 full professers, 220 PhD students, 100 degree programes and 500 free standing courses. MAH represents a system of significantly high standard which also encourages personal initiative, creativity and critical thinking. MAH’s focus on sustainability is teacher education, educational sciences and interdisciplinary exchange.

Read more: Malmö University (MAH) - Sweden

Vilnius University (VU) - Lithuania

285px-Vilnius university logoThe Vilnius University was founded in 1579. At present it includes 12 faculties, 7 research institutes, 3 university hospital­s, astronomical observatory, and botanical garden. University promotes interdisciplinary studies and research, which are supported by 4 interfaculty centres. There are more than 22000 students and 3700 academic staff in total.

Read more: Vilnius University (VU) - Lithuania

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