Malmö University (MAH) - Sweden


Malm University English LogoMalmö University, MAH, has five multi-diciplinary faculties of higher education and research, 25 000 students, 80 full professers, 220 PhD students, 100 degree programes and 500 free standing courses. MAH represents a system of significantly high standard which also encourages personal initiative, creativity and critical thinking. MAH’s focus on sustainability is teacher education, educational sciences and interdisciplinary exchange.

Several research projects are being run at MAH in close collaboration with players in thesurrounding community, both in Sweden and abroad. Education Science and Sustainable Urban Development are among the key research areas .

The Faculty of Education and Society is one of the largest teacher training facilities in Sweden with 3 800 full-year-students and 300 employees. Teacher education covers the whole educational spectrum, from pre-school teaching to the upper secondary school/high school levels. Due to the Swedish Act of Higher Education, Mah promotes SD and SD/ESD is included in all teacher education programes. The Bachelor’s free standing course Teaching for sustainability 15ects involves 20-25 international teacher students a year.

The Faculty is running a professional development project on education, research and collaboration with the community (2012-2014), where global challenges today and in the future as well as ESD in pedagogical activities are among the selected issues to develope. A new compulsory, interdiciplinary course (for secondary and upper secondary teacher students) on SD/ESD and global challenges is in development.

At the Depepartment of Science, Environment, Society, 25 senior researchers and 20 PhD students take part in SISEME, a research group focusing on educational aspects of science, mathematics and SD in preschool, school and teacher education settings. In addition, the research revolves around cultural and social aspects of teaching, learning and assessment in education. Eight of the senior researchers and two of the PhD-students (enrolled in GRESD, the Swedish national Graduate school in ESD) are focusing on different perspectives of ESD in their research; integreation of ESD in school subjects, interdisciplinary exchange, teachers’ complex interpretion of EDS, the changed role of the teacher, student active methods of teaching and learning, the eco-certified child - subject-positions in ESD, outdoor-education and ESD.

Role of MAH in the project:

  • Coodinate the mapping exercise in Sweeden and complete the template for data collection.
  • Write a case study for the leading practice publication.
  • Assist in the development of an online platform of resources as well as get familiarised and review the online tool.
  • Contribute to the bi-annual newsletters.
  • Translate project materials into the national language.
  • Provide feedback to the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework.
  • Contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project outputs, outcomes and future network activities.
  • Participate and actively contribute to the discussions generated in regional and annual meetings, seminars and conference.

Operational and financial management:

  • The project team will coordinate the above administrative and academic project activities.
  • Financial administration will be handled by the project team who will liaise internally with the institution’s finance department.


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