Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) - Slovakia

STUSTU is a modern educational and scientific institution that is seeking to develop expertise in the area of sustainable development and Education for Sustainability. Since its foundation the year 1937 more than 1250000 students have graduated. All the STU faculties and institutes provide a study in accredited study programs within the complex system of bachelor, master and PhD study in accordance with the Bologna declaration and ICTS system.

Read more: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) - Slovakia

Ss. Syril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM) - Macedonia

Slovak University The Department of Economics as an organizational part of the Faculty of Economics, at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The Department is looking at ways to integrate sustainable economics in the curriculum.

Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE is a public university founded in 1949. It is the biggest, oldest and the best institution for high education in the R. of Macedonia. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University is an autonomous, scientific and higher educational university which provides teaching, scholar and applied activities in technical, natural sciences and mathematics, bio-technical, artistic, medical and social sciences. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University includes 23 faculties, 5 research institutes, 4 public scientific institutions, and 7 other institutions and organizations. At the moment almost 50000 students are enrolled at the University, and 2700 teaching, research and associate academic staff work here.

Read more: Ss. Syril and Methodius University in Skopje  (UKIM) - Macedonia

University of Biháć (UB) - Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Biha sealUniversity of Bihać offers academic degrees in all three cycles at seven departments, and studies in at least five different subject groups in at least three scientific areas, including: natural sciences, technical sciences, biotechnical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. The University is committed to curricula renewal and modernization aligned with sustainability.

Read more: University of Biháć (UB) - Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Maribor (UM) - Slovenia

UM-logoUniversity of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is a public institution which offers academic education programmes at the three bologna levels, and a higher professional education programme. Faculty is organized in 9 different laboratories, one of the strongest being the Laboratory for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development (PSE & SD).

Read more: University of Maribor (UM) - Slovenia

University of Niš (UNI) - Serbia

UNI-Nis-logoUniversity of Niš is second largest public educational and research institution in Serbia. It is established in 1965 and currently comprises 13 faculties with 28660 students in all study levels. University of Nis participated in numerous international project activities as a grant holder or project partner (the list of projects can be found at

Read more: University of Niš (UNI) - Serbia

University of Rijeka (UNIRI) - Croatia

uniriThe University of Rijeka is situated in the city of Rijeka. It is a state-funded university under the direct authority of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. The University of Rijeka was founded in 1973 and it has undergone a series of transformations which were for the most part the result of changes brought on by the national higher education policies. The University is actively engaged in international networking in the area of Education for Sustainability.
Today the University mission is dedicated to making strategic and development-oriented decisions on numerous issues regarding the functioning of the academic community and continued facilitation of international competitiveness in all areas of scientific, artistic and professional activities. Through active collaboration with the economic and business sector along with partnerships for community development the University endeavours to contribute toward the socio-cultural transition into a knowledge-based society.

Read more: University of Rijeka (UNIRI) - Croatia

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave (UKB) - Slovakia

Univerzita Komenskeho logoComenius University in Bratislava (UKB) is the oldest (founded in 1919) and biggest university in the Slovak Republic with a full range of science and humanities disciplines taught at 13 faculties. UKB has around 28,000 students at all three levels of study of which 21,000 are full time students and 1,900 students are foreign students from almost 80 countries. UKB has outstanding scientific institutions and is active in various areas through Centres of Excellence and national and international science projects.

Read more: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave (UKB) - Slovakia

Warsaw University (UW) - Poland

nowe logo UW latinaThe University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (UCES)is an inter-disciplinary unit, established in 1989 as the part of the  University of Warsaw. The University Centre is a unique scientific and implementation institution in the field of education and policy for environment and sustainable development. It is the only one unit of the University of Warsaw with commitment to the issues of sustainable development expressed in the recently change name.

Read more: Warsaw University (UW) - Poland

Aalborg University (AAU) - Denmark

Aalborg University offers education and research within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical and health sciences. Aalborg University is currently taking steps to expand its reputation as an internationally recognised leading university in problem based learning and sustainability which is led by its UNESCO Chair.

Read more: Aalborg University (AAU) - Denmark

Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) – Finland

aa eng logobasic 4c webbÅbo Akademi University (ÅAU) is a public multidisciplinary university founded in 1918. The first Academy in Åbo was founded in 1640. At present the Swedish-language ÅAU has 4 faculties: Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies and Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Faculty of Science and Engineering. ÅAU offers both undergraduate and graduate studies and extensive research opportunities to some 7000 students on three campuses.

Read more: Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) – Finland

Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga (CSB) - Latvia


The Centre for Sustainable Business at Stockholm School of Economics (CSB) is an independent institute within SSE Riga, founded in 2012. Its aim is to foster a discussion in the business community as well as in society in general on sustainability. To raise the awareness of sustainability, CSB, in cooperation with its partners, provides research, teaching, training, and contributes actively to the public debate. The Sustainable Business Centre activities cover Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Read more: Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga (CSB) - Latvia

ECO-UNESCO (clubs) (ECO) - Ireland


ECO-UNESCO logoFounded in 1986, ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s environmental education and youth organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO, Clubs, Centres and Associations. ECO-UNESCO’s mission is to raise environmental awareness, understanding and knowledge of the environment in young people through practical environmental projects, education and training programmes and activities.

Read more: ECO-UNESCO (clubs) (ECO) - Ireland

Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University (IOE) - Estonia

400px-Tallinn University logoTallinn University (TLU) is the third largest public university in Estonia with 9500 students in 20 institutes and 5 colleges. Its main strengths lie in the fields of humanities and social sciences but it also has a strong and constantly growing component of natural and exact sciences, as well as a notable tradition of teacher training and educational research.

Read more: Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University (IOE) - Estonia

Institute of Sustainable Education at Daugavpils University (ISE) - Latvia


du-gerbonisThe Institute of Sustainable Education (ISE) at Daugavpils University was founded in 2003 as a scientific research structural unit of the Faculty of Education and Management. The main research fields of ISE are pedagogy, pedagogical and developmental psychology, management, as well as integrative research in the field of education and management.  ISE, in practice and in research, supports sustainability values and is working towards embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles into its teaching and research. The researchers of the institute are working towards implementing ESD competences in organizing teacher training programs, by putting the main focus on students and staff learning in the area of sustainability.

Read more: Institute of Sustainable Education at Daugavpils University (ISE) - Latvia

London South Bank University (LSBU) - UK

Lsbu-crestLondon South Bank University (LSBU) is one of London's largest and oldest universities. Since 1892 we have been providing students with vocationally-relevant, accredited and professionally recognised education. As a cosmopolitan university, with over 25,000 students, we draw students from over 130 countries. We received the highest possible rating for the quality of our education, from the independent Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), and are proud of all our achievements in delivering excellent student outcomes. We have an important, enduring and consistent mission to create student opportunity for future success. We have much to be proud of and aspire to be the best in our field. We intend to make this happen by implementing our vision: ”to be the most admired UK university for creating professional opportunity. We intend to be a source of pride to our students, our staff and the communities we serve”.

Read more: London South Bank University (LSBU) - UK

Malmö University (MAH) - Sweden


Malm University English LogoMalmö University, MAH, has five multi-diciplinary faculties of higher education and research, 25 000 students, 80 full professers, 220 PhD students, 100 degree programes and 500 free standing courses. MAH represents a system of significantly high standard which also encourages personal initiative, creativity and critical thinking. MAH’s focus on sustainability is teacher education, educational sciences and interdisciplinary exchange.

Read more: Malmö University (MAH) - Sweden

Vilnius University (VU) - Lithuania

285px-Vilnius university logoThe Vilnius University was founded in 1579. At present it includes 12 faculties, 7 research institutes, 3 university hospital­s, astronomical observatory, and botanical garden. University promotes interdisciplinary studies and research, which are supported by 4 interfaculty centres. There are more than 22000 students and 3700 academic staff in total.

Read more: Vilnius University (VU) - Lithuania

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) - Spain; S Region coordinator



The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) is a state university offering graduate and postgraduate degrees in many different fields. It is a young university — founded in 1968— but has already achieved an outstanding international reputation for its high-quality teaching and research and work in the areas of sustainability, environmental management and education against climate change. The UAM is a modern and democratic institution in which decisions are taken with the participation of all the members of the community, and which is characterized by its strong social commitment and participation in society.

Read more:  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) - Spain; S Region coordinator

Boğaziçi University, Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center (BU) - Turkey

BogazicSustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center (SDCPC) at Bogazici University (BU) is coordinated by full time academic personnel of the University. The Center promotes sustainable development in the community through the use of interdisciplinary knowledge and experience, innovative technology transfer in close cooperation with related stakeholders.

Read more: Boğaziçi University, Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center (BU) - Turkey

Frederick University (FU) - Cyprus

Frederick-university-logoFrederick University (FU) is one of the four recognised private Universities operating in the Republic of Cyprus. It is an energetic and vibrant university, enjoying respect and recognition both nationally and internationally. It offers a broad range of academic programmes of study and has a strong focus on academic research, being one of the leading research organisations in the country.

Read more: Frederick University (FU) - Cyprus

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) - Portugal

650px-LOGOIPLThe Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) is a public institution of higher education, at the service of society, dedicated to the production and diffusion of knowledge, creation, transmission and diffusion of culture, science, technology and arts, oriented research and experimental development. IPL has a traditionin working with the community in the area of sustainability and environmental management. It is extending its expertise in Education for Sustainability.

Read more: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) - Portugal

Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development (CIRPS) - Italy

Uniroma1The Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainable Development (CIRPS) counts more than 300 professors, researchers and experts belonging to 11 Italian universities joining the Centre. Since 1988, it coordinates and participates in networks of excellence, research projects, and activities for local sustainable development (SD) and carries out Research, Education, Training and out-reach activities, as well as Technical-Scientific Services supply, through collaborations and agreements with Universities, Research Centres, Enterprises, national and international Institutions and NGOs.

Read more: Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development (CIRPS) - Italy

Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO) - Greece

MIO-ECSDE-logoMIO-ECSDE is a Federation of Mediterranean Environmental NGOs acting as technical and political platform for the promotion of sustainable development in the region. Since 1999 MIO-ECSDE promotes systematically Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and particularly through its network of ESD educators entitled "MEdIES" ( MEDIES is an e-Network of educators (~ 3600) from all the Mediterranean countries launched in 2002 in Johannesburg World Summit.

Read more: Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO) - Greece

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Greece


National and Kapodistrian University of Athens logoThe National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) has 30 Faculties and three Interdepartmental Programmes. NKUA has a long lasting cooperation with Universities of Europe, the Balkans and beyond. The University comprises of more than 500 buildings and it has more than 150,000 students and a staff of more than 7,000. It has a capacity and expertise on aspects addressed in Environmental Studies & Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Read more: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Greece

The University of Gibraltar

UoGibThe University of Gibraltar is a new higher education institution that opened its doors in September 2015. It is committed to the provision of quality teaching and learning, esteemed research and academic freedom. The University is underpinned by a flexible structure that can be responsive to social needs and an established network of partners that can support provision. Education for Sustainable Development underpins every aspect of this institution's work and contributes to its goal to become the Centre of Excellence in ESD for the region.

Universidad de Granada (UGR) - Spain


500px-Escudo UGR.svgUGR was founded in 1531. As a classical university with around 70,000 students, 3,600 lecturers, 1,900 admin. and support staff, the UGR offers a wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Every year over 4,800 international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study programmes or via the approximately 800 network and bilateral exchange agreements in which the UGR is involved.

Read more: Universidad de Granada (UGR) - Spain

Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV) - Spain

logoehuThe University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution officially founded in 1985, employing over 7,000 people throughout 31 faculties and schools geographically distributed in three campuses with over 50,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is the only public university in the Basque Country, thus holding the responsibility to provide tertiary education both in Spanish and Basque to its society.

The University of the Basque Country has recently adopted a new strategic plan (2012) which places sustainability as a key organising principle.

Read more: Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV) - Spain

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) - Portugal

Catholic University of Portugal logo

Catholic University of Portugal (CUP) was established in 1967 and it is recognized by the Portuguese State as a free, autonomous university institution of public utility that aims to combine academic excellence and education in human values. It delivers excellence teaching, training and research in several educational areas: Arts, Law, Bioethics, Biotechnology, Psychology, Economics, Health, Theology, among others.


Read more: Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) - Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro (UA) - Portugal

LOGO UAveiroThe University of Aveiro (UA) is a young university, founded in 1973, with over 15000 full-time students (graduate and postgraduate). The University has a strong research profile, a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centers), acting as a regional network for education and training promoting strong links with the surrounding community and was a pioneer in launching degrees in new subject areas. UA is interested and engaged in integrating sustainable development into the curriculum with a focus on health sciences and medicine.

Read more: Universidade de Aveiro (UA) - Portugal

Universidade do Minho (UMI) - Portugal

750px-Minho University.svgUMI is one of the so-called "New Universities" that changed the HE landscape in Portugal. Located in the Minho region, known for its significant economic activity and by the youth of its population, UMI is renowned for the quality of its teaching, the quality of its students, the public recognition given to its Alumni, and for its intervention and strong links with the local community and the surrounding region. UNI has a commitment to sustainable development as reflected in its core mission:

Read more: Universidade do Minho (UMI) - Portugal

Università Degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (UNITOV) - Italy

logo tor vergataTor Vergata University (UNITOV), established in 1981, is located in the south-eastern part of Rome in a 600 hectare campus far from the hectic city centre, which has allowed the university to expand and develop over the years. As one of the largest research based institutions in Italy, Tor Vergata University is an international centre for research and education and it is well known for scientific studies. In recent years, it has played an increasingly important role in the activity of technology transfer and cooperation with public and private organisations in various fields.

Read more: Università Degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (UNITOV) - Italy

Universita' ta' Malta (UOM) - Malta

University of MaltaThe University of Malta traces its origins to the founding of the Collegium Melitense by the Jesuits in 1592. The College was raised to University status by Grand Master Manoel Pinto de Fonseca in 1769. Situated at Msida, it is the highest teaching institution of the State by which it is mainly financed and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. The University has a long tradition in engaging in environmental education and teacher education in the area of sustainable development, and has been a catalyst across communities of practice in Malta.

Read more: Universita' ta' Malta (UOM) - Malta

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) - Spain

514px-Autonome Universitt Barcelona LogoThe Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a public institution founded in 1968. Today it is at the head of Europe’s Higher Education system committed to the construction of the Europe of knowledge. Known both for its excellence in research as for its quality in teaching, the university is already a reference within the European community and Mediterranean area and has the recognition as Campus of International Excellence (CEI) with a plan based on alliances with surrounding R&D&I centres. The over 40,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students enrolled in the university are backed up by a team of 5,000 lecturers, researchers and administration and services staff.

Read more: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) - Spain

Universitat de Girona (UDG) - Spain

logo udgThe University of Girona (UDG) is a public institution devoted to excellence in teaching and research and to participating in the progress and development of society through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of knowledge related to sciences, technology, humanities, social sciences and arts. It has around 13000 students and 2000 employees.

Read more: Universitat de Girona (UDG) - Spain

University of Bergamo (UNIBG) - Italy

logoUniBGThe University of Bergamo is a public high education institution with an expanding expertise in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and behavioural studies. It currently consists of six faculties (Economics; Educational Studies; Engineering; Foreign Languages and Literatures; Humanities; Law), 14 three-year (level one) degree courses, 15 two-year (level two) degree courses, 3 two-year (level two) degree courses taught in English, and a single cycle second level degree (five-year) in Law.

Read more: University of Bergamo (UNIBG) - Italy

Karl-Franzens University of Graz (UG) - Austria

The University of Graz is second largest institution of higher education in Austria. It was founded in 1585. With app. 27,000 students and 3,500 employees, today it makes an essential contribution to the vibrant life of the Styrian capital. Diversity and a wide scope characterise the education and research programmes at the six faculties. Students can choose from more than 100 bachelor, master and diploma programmes.

Read more: Karl-Franzens University of Graz (UG) - Austria

Open Universiteit in the Netherlands (OUNL) - Netherlands

Open Universiteit (OUNL, The Netherlands) is an independent government-funded institute for distance learning at university level. Its mission is to develop, provide and promote innovative higher distance education of top quality, in collaboration with networks and alliances. As the prime university for lifelong learning, it addresses the wide-ranging learning needs of people during their course of life, plus the need to achieve a considerable increase of the knowledge level of the community at large.

Read more: Open Universiteit in the Netherlands (OUNL) - Netherlands

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

uvsq-logo-rvb-defCreated in 1991, the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is a multidisciplinary and leading institution of higher education and compelling research located west of Paris (France). UVSQ plays a role in the regional development of the Yvelines area, with sites at the heart of seven towns, in Versailles and its surroundings. It includes centers of expertise such as Climate, environment, sustainable development; Culture and Heritage; Genome, environment,cellular responses; Epidemiology and cohorts; Disability and aging; Institutions,organization and public policy; Innovative materials: their genesis to applications; Modeling and simulation of complex systems.

Read more: Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

University of Basel (BAU) – Switzerland

UniBaselThe University of Basel, founded in 1460 and covering a wide range of disciplines in teaching and research. It has full university status and consists of 7 Faculties with 25 Departments as well as 4 transfacultary units. It has 9688 undergraduate and 2653 postgraduate and doctoral students (of whom 23.7% are international students from about 110 countries), 350 professors and 1'896 academic staff. By European standards the University of Basel is comparatively small. The University is involved in over 130 European (FP7) grants, of which 47 are from the Marie Curie scheme (mostly Fellowships and ITNs) and 23 are ERC grants, and takes part in different activities of the lifelong learning programme.

Read more: University of Basel (BAU) – Switzerland

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna - Austria

BOKU LogoThe Centre for Global Change and Sustainability networks between institutes, departments, platforms and initiatives at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, in their research and teaching in the areas of global change and sustainability (e.g. climate change and climate protection, sustainable concepts for ensuring global food security, transportation, waste management, water supply and use).

Read more: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna - Austria

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