Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

uvsq-logo-rvb-defCreated in 1991, the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is a multidisciplinary and leading institution of higher education and compelling research located west of Paris (France). UVSQ plays a role in the regional development of the Yvelines area, with sites at the heart of seven towns, in Versailles and its surroundings. It includes centers of expertise such as Climate, environment, sustainable development; Culture and Heritage; Genome, environment,cellular responses; Epidemiology and cohorts; Disability and aging; Institutions,organization and public policy; Innovative materials: their genesis to applications; Modeling and simulation of complex systems.

The University develops Research programs and high-level vocational training programs (Masters, Doctorates, post-doctoral fellowships) and has six competitiveness clusters: Advancity, Ville et Mobilité Durables; Cap digital Paris Région; Cosmetic Valley; Medicen Paris Région; Mov’eo, Pôle de compétitivité; System@TIC Paris Région.


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