Newsletter No. 3, October 2015

Leading Practice Publication launched at the UE4SD annual conference in Madrid

Read more: Leading Practice Publication launched at the UE4SD annual conference in Madrid
State of the Art Report
This report has been developed as part of a three-year project entitled University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD), funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus Academic Networks and led by the University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom). Project members across Europe are working to locate and capture recent efforts to support the development of education for sustainable development (ESD) competences of university educators. The aim is to draw on best practices, new initiatives, and usable tools for professional development in ESD for university educators.
Full text of the report can be downloaded here.
UE4SD Newsletter - Autumn 2014
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Higher Education (HE), university educators, professional development, competences
University Educators for Sustainable Development” (UE4SD) is a three year projectfunded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus Academic Networks. The project isworking across Europe to locate and capture recent efforts to support the development of ESD capabilities of university educators. The aim is to draw on best practices, new initiatives and usable tools for professional development in ESD for university educators. The project draws together 55 partners across 33 countries, mainly in Europe. The partnership has been divided into four different regional hubs to ensure that regional scenarios and contexts are visible throughout the project.
Regional Mapping results
Below you will find links to the mapping reports for three of the four UE4SD regional hubs. The fourth report will be published here as soon as it becomes available. These reports represent the main outputs of the first phase of the project which involved each country completing a mapping template to capture the status of ESD within Higher Education at the national level as well as to identify existing ESD professional development opportunities for university educators. All four regional reports have been collated and aggregated for an overall State of Art Report on opportunities for university educators to develop their competences in ESD. This final Report will be made available to all partners and the general public at the annual UE4SD Conference to be held in Prague on 2 October 2014 and will be subsequently published on these web pages.
Summary - State of the art report
Full regional reports for download (in pdf):