University of Siena (UNISI) - Italy

LOGO UNISI VERTICALE NERO piccoloThe University of Siena is one of the oldest universities in Europe. Located in the heart of Tuscany Siena is a very friendly and safe city, well attuned to students and researchers needs.

At present the University of Siena counts 15 Departments and offers First Cycle Degree Courses (Bachelors Degrees), Second Cycle Degree Courses (Masters Degrees), and Single long cycle degree courses (under UE regulations); moreover, a large number of Doctoral Programmes and Post-graduate courses have been activated, alongside Postgraduate Schools and specific Summer Schools. Nine of the Masters Degrees are held entirely in English: Finance, Economics, Management and Governance, Medical Biotechnologies, Chemistry, Computer and Automation Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Language and mind: linguistics and cognitive studies and International Students.

With over 18.000 students, The University of Siena ranks first among the Italian medium-sized universities. The University of Siena is the first for quality of teaching and excellence of student services according to the 2014 university ranking published by Censis and the newspaper La Repubblica, which takes into account services, scholarships and benefits, infrastructure, web communication and internationalisation. A medium-sized university in Italy is in the range of 10.000 to 20.000 enrolled students.

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