Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO) - Greece

MIO-ECSDE-logoMIO-ECSDE is a Federation of Mediterranean Environmental NGOs acting as technical and political platform for the promotion of sustainable development in the region. Since 1999 MIO-ECSDE promotes systematically Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and particularly through its network of ESD educators entitled "MEdIES" ( MEDIES is an e-Network of educators (~ 3600) from all the Mediterranean countries launched in 2002 in Johannesburg World Summit.

Basic goal of MEdIES is to facilitate the educational community -educators and students- to contribute in a systematic and concrete way to the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Millennium Development Goals, through the successful application of innovative Educational Programmes. Main types of MEdIES' activities are (i) development of educational materials, (ii) training of educators (formal and non-formal) (iii) Information & Communication Technologies (webpage, e-learning, hydria project). Since 2008 MEdIES has been entrusted with the Coordinating Secretariat of the Network of Mediterranean Universities for sustainable development focusing on ESD (while the Academic Secretariat of this Network is held by the University of Athens).

Role of MIO in the project:

  • Coodinate the mapping exercise in Greece and complete the template for data collection.
  • Write a case study for the leading practice publication.
  • Assist in the development of an online platform of resources as well as get familiarised and review the online tool.
  • Contribute to the bi-annual newsletters.
  • Provide feedback to the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework.
  • Contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project outputs, outcomes and future network activities.
  • Participate and actively contribute to the discussions generated in regional and annual meetings, seminars and conference.

Operational and financial management:

  • The project team will coordinate the above administrative and academic project activities.
  • Financial administration will be handled by the project team.


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