
Prof Fernando Galván (University of Alcalá) talks about the value and significance of the UE4SD project.

Mahesh Pradhan (Environmental Education and Training Unit, UNEP) comments on the role of higher education in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the need for this project in building the capacity of university staff to tackle this global agenda.

Steering Group - Project

The UE4SD Steering Group reflects on the value, significance and challenges of the project.

About the Project

Dr Alex Ryan (University of Gloucestershire) talks about the uniqueness of the UE4SD project and its focus on identifying practices that are understanding professional development in terms of both people (educators) and systems (universities).

Project partners - Value

Project partners from Bulgaria, Austria and Greece talk about the value of the project for them.

Fernando Galván and Rodrigo Lozano – Higher Education

Fernando Glaván (University of Alcalá) and Rodrigo Lozano (University of Utrecht) comment on the leadership and professional development challenges in universities.

Peter Corcoran - Higher Education

Prof Peter Corcoran (Florida Gulf Coast University) talks about the challenges of social and cultural change in higher education institutions and points to the need of enhancing ESD professional development.

Alex Ryan - Practices

Dr Alex Ryan (University of Gloucestershire) explains the structure and content of the online platform of resources.

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