UE4SD Academy Residential

A montage of the UE4SD Academy Residential sessions and reflections

Javier Benayas and David Alba

Prof Javier Benayas and Dr David Alba (Autonomous University of Madrid) describe the UE4SD Academy in three keywords: innovation, action and mentoring. They also talk about the possibility of adapting and replicating the process in other universities and countries.

Leslie Collado

Leslie Collazo (University of Girona) talks about her experience in participating in the Academy and learning about embedding change for sustainability in an institution. She reflects on communication challenges and talks about the creation of a new institutional ESD network as a next step of the project.

Aurora del Río

Dr Aurora del Río (University of Granada) reflects on the Academy learning process and participating at the residential in Granada. She finally identifies some key tips for others interested in starting a similar change project for sustainability.

Aitxiber Zallo

Aitxiber Zallo (University of Basque Countrty) describes her experience in being part of the Academy and leading a process of change for sustainability. She explains the need for working collaboratively with all the members of the university community.

Mercè Junyent

Dr Mercè Junyent (Autonomous University of Barcelona) talks about the experience of being part of the Academy at a personal, research group and university level. She reflects on the importance of involving key university stakeholders in designing and implementing the change project.

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