Ambitions of the Network: Outputs and outcomes
- A document which maps opportunities for university educators to develop ESD competences through professional development in Europe.
- A publication which will showcase 8 case studies from the leading practice identified.
- An online database of resources to assist universities interested in supporting the development of ESD competences of educators.
- A document which will outline a framework of a Sustainability in Higher Education Professional Development and Networking Platform in Europe (Sustainability in Higher Education Academy).
- A conference organised by UE4SD open to the general public.
- A website to support information and knowledge exchange as well as dissemination of Network activities and materials.
- A review of the state of the art in the areas of ESD competences, professional development and teaching and learning quality.
- A deeper understanding of the connections between ESD and teaching and learning quality.
- A platform for supporting university educators in developing their own competences in ESD.
- An increased level of awareness on the importance of addressing ESD competences in professional development and training in universities.