Press Release September 2016 in project languages
September 30th, 2016: The University Educators for Sustainable Development project based on a partnership of higher education institutions for sustainable development across Europe is finishing at the end of September 2016. Over the last three years, UE4SD has achieved its aims through a range of activities and exchanges focused on the professional development of educators. The project has produced materials that provide a shared understanding of ESD within different cultural backgrounds, support professional development of educators’ competences, and stimulate relevant education policies at different levels, from institutional to European.
- Albanian - shqip
- Basque - euskara
- Bosnian - bosanski/босански
- Bulgarian - български
- Catalan - català
- Croatian - hrvatski
- Czech - česky
- Dutch - nederlands
- English
- Finnish - suomi
- Flemish - nederlands
- French - le français
- Galician - galego
- German - deutsch
- Greek - ελληνικά
- Hungarian - magyar
- Italian - italiano
- Macedonian (cyrilic) - македонски
- Macedonian (latin) - makedonski
- Polish - polski
- Portuguese - português
- Romanian - românește
- Serbian - српски/srpski
- Spanish - español
- Slovak - slovenčina
- Slovenian - slovenščina
- Turkish - Türkçe